Google Analytics

With the Google Analytics integration you can pull in your website's data from Google Analytics to work with it directly inside Conductor Website Monitoring.

You can choose to connect either Google Universal Analytics (opens in a new tab) or Google Analytics 4 (opens in a new tab) with Conductor Website Monitoring.


Conductor Website Monitoring displays the following metrics from Google Analytics:

  • Google Universal Analytics:
    1. Pageviews
    2. Unique pageviews
    3. Average time on page
    4. Bounce rate
    5. Page value
  • Google Analytics 4:
    1. Screen Pageviews
    2. Active Users
    3. User Engagement
    4. Engagement Rate

Using the Google Analytics data

The Google Analytics data is available in the Pages screen:

Conductor Website Monitoring - Google Analytics integration

The Google Analytics data is always aggregated for a lookback period of the past 90 days. You can see the exact date range for which the data is displayed on the Page detail screen:

Conductor Website Monitoring - Google Analytics page detail

You can also create segments based on Google Analytics data, which can be very useful when targeting your highest-performing pages.

Conductor Website Monitoring - segmenting pages based on the Adobe Analytics data

Setting up the Google Analytics integration

Setting up the Google Analytics integration is a breeze. Just follow these five simple steps:

  1. Click on Account in the sidebar to get to the overview of websites.
  2. Click on the website you want to connect.
  3. Look for the Integrations section and click Edit.
  4. Click Connect and authenticate with Google Analytics.
  5. Select the relevant Google Analytics Account, Property, and View (if connecting Universal Analytics), and hit the Save button!

Error: website not found in Google Analytics account

It might happen that you run into an error while trying to connect your account to Google Analytics:

Conductor Website Monitoring Google Analytics integration error

There are two things that can cause this:

  1. You're indeed connecting the wrong Google Analytics account. In that case, simply click Connect again and authenticate the right account.
  2. The website has the wrong Website URL setting in Google Analytics. This is not unusual to happen when you migrated to a different domain name and forgot to update your Google Analytics configuration. Refer to the Google Analytics documentation on View configuration (opens in a new tab) for more information on how to configure this correctly.

Connecting a different version of Google Analytics

If you've connected Google Universal Analytics with Conductor Website Monitoring, you can change the connection to Google Analytics 4 (and vice-versa). However, there are several caveats to this.

After changing the connection, the previous version will stop being updated in Conductor Website Monitoring and if you have no dependencies on the old version (such as segments, alerts, or issue ignoring), the columns will be removed from the Pages screen.

If you have dependencies on the previous version, you should update them to the new columns that correspond to the columns in the version that you connected previously (eg. Pageviews to Screen Pageviews).

Until the dependencies have been updated, columns from both versions will be shown on the Pages screen, however, as mentioned, only the columns from the newly connected version will be updated with the fresh data.

Screenshot of the caution box when changing the Google Analytics version

Need help?

In case you have any questions regarding Google Analytics integration that are not covered by our documentation, don’t hesitate to contact us!