Feature Announcements

Important changes to our Relevance metric

  • November 28, 2018
  • Veronika Martosova

ContentKing uses a powerful metric called Relevance to quickly show you how important individual pages are to your business and digital marketing efforts. It's a score expressed on a scale from 1 to 10, and the algorithm behind it uses a variety of factors to calculate it. Today we introduce three changes to make it even easier to understand and use.

Relevance is now called Importance

Several reached out to let us know that the term Relevance was a bit confusing, as it looked a lot like keyword relevance. To fix this, we've renamed this metric to Importance, which much better conveys the actual meaning behind the metric.

Impact on website health has been improved

We also adjusted the impact that the Importance metric has on website health. Now your more important pages have a bigger impact on the overall health than the less important ones.

Now factors in Google Analytics and Search Console

Starting today the Importance metric will also include Google Analytics and Google Search Console data. Once you've connected these integrations on your website, the two data sources provide a wealth of information on the popularity of your pages, and their value to your business.

What this means for you

You may notice some changes in your pages' Importance score and other derived metrics such as Page Health and Website Health. Don't worry about this: this change will happen only once and does not mean that anything actually changed on your website.

If you haven't connected Google Analytics or Google Search Console yet, we strongly recommend doing so as soon as possible, as the extra information they provide make Importance far more useful for decision making.

Veronika Martosova

Veronika is ContentKing's Product Manager. She loves talking to our customers to understand their needs and then work with the development team to come up with the right solutions to them. She enjoys working on the intersection of design, development, marketing and business.