Industry News

SEO News: Google’s Page Experience Update Completed

  • September 7, 2021
  • Jessica Rangel

Google’s page experience update is now completed.

Google announced the start of the rollout on June 15th, and announced the completion of the rollout on September 2nd. This was a long-anticipated update — being originally announced in May 2020 and scheduled for May 2021, but ended up being postponed until mid-summer.

As we’ve been covering in previous Industry News articles, this update is one of several rolled out by Google in Summer 2021. The page experience update is the last of the announced updates to be completed. See below a recap of the latest Google Updates.

Recap of page experience update

The update will combines Core Web Vitals and existing User Experience ranking factors — such as Mobile Friendliness, HTTPS — into a new ranking factor category called "Search signals for page experience" as illustrated below:

Visualization of Google's Page Experience ranking factors

So, in theory, sites that provide a better experience will perform better in Google search.

Additionally, this update will also bring changes to the Top Stories carousel. Google announced that starting June 17th, AMP will no longer be a requirement to be featured in the Top Stories and the AMP badge icon and swiping feature will be removed.

Because of the introduction of Core Web Vitals, AMP format is no longer needed to determine if a site is fast or not, as explained by Google here (opens in a new tab). This means that now all relevant content can be featured in Top Stories, not just AMP pages.

You can read about the update more in-depth here.

Previous Google’s updates this summer

The page experience update is just one of several updates and launches from Google this last summer. With multiple, and in some cases coinciding, updates the SEO community has been busy the past few months, ourselves included.

For a quick refresher, here’s an overview of the latest announced updates and releases:

Keep up to date with Google updates

As we’ve seen from Google this summer, this update is definitely not the last and there’s always more to come.

But for now, we recommend freshening up with our Core Web Vitals guide (opens in a new tab).

And ContentKing is here to help you stay in the loop as well. Sign up for our newsletter and follow us on social media:

Jessica is a content marketer for ContentKing. Her days are spent writing marketing content, cycling around canals in Amsterdam and attempting to master the Dutch language.