Setting up the CloudFront integration

Setting up Log File Analysis with the CloudFront Standard logging (opens in a new tab) in ContentKing is a breeze! Follow the steps outlined below to enable Log File Analysis in ContentKing, and set up the CloudFront integration.

Setting up the Log File Analysis

The process of configuring the Log File Analysis consists of two phases:

  1. Enabling the Log File Analysis feature in ContentKing

  2. Configuring CloudFront Standard logging

1. Enabling the Log File Analysis feature in ContentKing

If you navigate to the Account and then Websites section in ContentKing, you can easily filter and see which of the websites you are monitoring in ContentKing are hosted on CloudFront:

Screenshot of the website section in ContentKing

From there, just follow the steps outlined below to enable the Log File Analysis on the wanted website:

  1. Click any website that is running on CloudFront in the Websites section (opens in a new tab) of ContentKing
  2. Click on the Log File Analysis in the Settings section
  3. Move the Log File Analysis toggle to Enabled state

2. Configuring CloudFront Standard logging

To configure Standard logging you need to install the Standard logging in your AWS account and stream log file data to ContentKing S3 bucket.

Stream log file data to ContentKing S3 bucket

To stream CloudFront Standard logging data to ContentKing S3 bucket you can follow these steps:

  • In the Log File Analysis section, click on Install link under the Log Sources
Screenshot illustrating how to install CloudFront Standard logging in ContentKing
Screenshot illustrating how to find the account ID
  • Enter the AWS account ID in ContentKing Install Cloudfront Standard logging modal:
Screenshot illustrating how to add the account ID in ContentKing
  • Specify in which region should the ContentKing AWS S3 bucket be created (EU or US) and save the bucket name as you will need it when enabling the Standard logging.
Screenshot illustrating how to select the region for ContentKing S3 bucket
  • Once the bucket name is saved, click Create bucket

Enable Standard logging in the AWS UI.

Follow these steps to enable Standard logging (opens in a new tab):

1. Search for CloudFront in your AWS account and select CloudFront service:
Screenshot illustrating how to find the CloudFront service in AWS
2. Open Distributions on the left hand side and click on the needed website property ID:
Screenshot illustrating how to find the CloudFront distributions page
3. Once the Distribution domain details page is opened, click Edit:
Screenshot illustrating the CloudFront distributions details page
4. Enable Standard logging and paste the S3 bucket name which ContentKing generated in the steps above:
Screenshot illustrating how to enable standard logging
5. Once done, click Save changes and the data should be streamed to ContentKing S3 bucket immediately.

Disabling Log File Analysis

  1. Click on the website on which you want to disable Log File Analysis in the Websites section (opens in a new tab) of ContentKing
  2. Click on the Log File Analysis in the Settings section
  3. Move the Log File Analysis toggle to Disabled state

Once this is done, ContentKing will automatically disable Standard logging access to the AWS S3 bucket where the data was streamed.

Disabling Standard logging

If you have disabled the Log File Analysis feature, you still need to disable the Standard logging in the AWS UI.

This needs to be done manually, as ContentKing doesn't have access to your AWS account.

For the most common security-related questions about ContentKing's Log File Analysis, refer to the FAQ section in the Log File Analysis support article

Need help?

In case you have any questions regarding the CloudFront integration that are not covered by our documentation, don’t hesitate to contact us!