Reporting API v1.0

Our Reporting API is used for extracting data and metrics from your Conductor Website Monitoring account. Typical use-cases include connecting several software solutions together to streamline your reporting tasks and integrating Conductor Website Monitoring in your client portal.

This support article covers the legacy Reporting API v1.0. While the legacy Reporting API v1.0 remains available at this moment, it does not support new endpoints and will likely be sunsetted in the future. Therefore we highly recommend using the Reporting API v2.0.

If you are already using the Reporting API v1.0, we recommend you to migrate to v2.0 using the migration guide below.

Migration guide

This guide will help you migrate from the legacy Reporting API v1.0 to the Reporting API v2.0.

Response shape

The payload in the response body has been moved one level lower at all endpoints, under the key data.

<payload> is moved to:

	"data": <payload>

Endpoints mapping

All request variables (e.g. <website_id>) are now passed as regular query parameters (e.g. ?website_id=<website_id>).

V2.0 endpoint V1.0 endpoint
/v2/entities/segments /v1/websites/<website_id>/segments
/v2/entities/websites /v1/websites
/v2/data/affected_page /v1/websites/<website_id>/issues/<issue>/pages
/v2/data/issues /v1/websites/<website_id>/issues
/v2/data/page /v1/websites/<website_id>/pages?url=<url>
/v2/data/pages /v1/websites/<website_id>/pages/list
/v2/data/statistics /v1/websites/<website_id>/statistics/<scope>
/v2/alerts /v1/websites/<website_id>/alerts
/v2/alerts/alert_pages /v1/websites/<website_id>/alerts/<alert_id>/pages

Supported parameters

V2.0 endpoint Required parameters Optional parameters
/v2/entities/segments website_id -
/v2/entities/websites - -
/v2/data/affected_pages website_id issue page per_page -
/v2/data/issues website_id -
/v2/data/page website_id url -
/v2/data/pages website_id page per_page sort direction filter[segment]
/v2/data/statistics website_id scope
/v2/alerts website_id scope
/v2/alerts/alert_pages website_id alert_id page per_page scope

Reporting API Terms of Use

By using the Reporting API you agree to the Terms of Use.

Retrieving your Reporting API token

To use the Reporting API you need to get your Conductor Website Monitoring account's Reporting API token. You'll find it in the Account section, under the Integration tokens tab (opens in a new tab).

API request headers

When making a request you need to send along the following request headers:

Authorization: token <place-your-API-token-here>
Content-Type: application/json

Note: you need to provide the string "token" followed by a space and your actual API token.

Reporting API URL

Conductor Website Monitoring Reporting API is available on this URL.

Retrieving a list of websites in your account

Send the following request to get a list of websites in your account:

GET /v1/websites

The response will look like this:

200 OK
		"id": "1-234",
		"app_url": "",
		"domain": "",
		"name": null,
		"page_capacity": 1000
		"id": "1-2345",
		"app_url": "",
		"domain": "",
		"name": "Conductor Website Monitoring - DE",
		"page_capacity": 1000

Data types overview for this endpoint

Property Data Type
"id" string
"app_url" string (absolute URL)
"domain" string (absolute URL)
"name" string
"page_capacity" integer

Retrieving a list of segments for a website

Send the following request to get a list of segments for a specific website in your account:

GET /v1/websites/<website_id>/segments

The response will look like this:

200 OK
		"id": "1",
		"color": "72c035",
		"label": "Indexable",
		"shortcode": "I"
		"id": "2",
		"color": "9ea6af",
		"label": "Non-indexable",
		"shortcode": null

Data types overview for this endpoint

Property Data Type
"id" string
"color" string
"label" string
"shortcode" string

Retrieving statistics for a website or website's segment

Send the following request to get statistics for a specific website in your account:

GET /v1/websites/<website_id>/statistics/website

Or send the following request to get statistics for a specific segment within the website:

GET /v1/websites/<website_id>/statistics/segment:<segment_id>

The response will look like this:

200 OK
	"health": 969,
	"number_of_issues": 15,
		"missing": 2,
		"page": 9,
		"redirect": 4,
		"server_error": 0,
		"unreachable": 0

Data types overview for this endpoint

Property Data Type
"health" integer
"number_of_issues" integer
"label" string
"number_of_urls" array
"" integer
"number_of_urls.missing" integer
"number_of_urls.redirect" integer
"number_of_urls.server_error" integer
"number_of_urls.unreachable" integer

Specific errors when requesting statistics

404 Not found
	"error": "No statistics found for given scope"

This response means that the statistics for the given scope (website or segment) are not available at this time. They may or may not become available at a later time.

Retrieving list of pages for a website

Send the following request to get list of pages for a specific website:

GET /v1/websites/<website_id>/pages/list?page=1&per_page=100&sort=url&direction=desc
GET /v1/websites/<website_id>/pages/list?page=1&per_page=100&sort=url&direction=desc&filter%5Bsegment%5D=18


Query parameters per_page and page are used for iterating over large result sets.

  • per_page can be in range from 1 to 500
  • page can be 1 up to ceil(total / per_page). If page is higher than max value the urls field will be an empty array


Each API response contains 2 main keys:

  • total count of urls in result set for given query
  • urls paginated urls based on query parameters per_page and page
200 OK
	"total": 1,
	"urls": [
			"app_url": "",
			"analytics_services": [
			"canonical_type": "internal_self",
			"custom_elements": {
				"author": "Josie Walters",
				"date_published": "12 August 2019"
			"ga_average_time": 5.788,
			"ga_bounce_rate": 48,
			"ga_page_value": 0,
			"ga_page_views": 248,
			"ga_unique_page_views": 214,
			"gsc_clicks": 3,
			"gsc_ctr": 0.183,
			"gsc_impressions": 1635,
			"gsc_position": 41.021,
			"health": 950,
			"meta_description": "Conductor Website Monitoring keeps track of your website 24/7 so that you can catch unexpected changes and issues before search engines and visitors do. Try it today!",
			"h1": "H1 page header",
			"hreflang_language": "en",
			"is_disallowed_in_robots_txt": false,
			"is_indexable": true,
			"is_indexable_due_to_meta_robots": true,
			"is_indexable_due_to_x_robots_tag": null,
			"is_in_sitemap": true,
			"is_linked": true,
			"link_amp": null,
			"link_next": null,
			"link_prev": null,
			"mobile_variant": null,
			"number_of_hreflangs": 6,
			"number_of_incoming_internal_canonicals": 1,
			"number_of_incoming_internal_links": 314,
			"number_of_incoming_internal_redirects": 0,
			"number_of_outgoing_external_links": 10,
			"number_of_outgoing_internal_links": 65,
			"open_graph_description": "Get more visitors and increase conversions with Conductor Website Monitoring. Monitor your website and catch problems before search engines and visitors do. Try now!",
			"open_graph_image": " Website Monitoring@2x.png",
			"open_graph_title": "Content Optimization and Monitoring service Conductor Website Monitoring",
			"open_graph_type": "website",
			"open_graph_url": "",
			"relevance": 5.97,
			"schema_org_number_of_types": 1,
			"schema_org_types":	[
			"segments":	[
			"status_code": 200,
			"tag_managers": [
			"time_document_download": 947,
			"title": "Real-time SEO Auditing and Content Change Tracking - Conductor Website Monitoring",
			"twitter_card": "summary_large_image",
			"twitter_description": "Get more visitors and increase conversions with Conductor Website Monitoring. Catch problems before search engines and visitors do. Try it today!",
			"twitter_image": " Website Monitoring@2x.png",
			"twitter_site": "@contentking",
			"twitter_title": "Content Optimization service Conductor Website Monitoring",
			"type": "page",
			"url": "",
			"url_depth": 0,
			"visual_analytics_services": [

Data types overview for this endpoint

Property Data Type
"urls" array
"urls.url" string (absolute URL)
"urls.url_depth" integer
"urls.url_path" string (relative URL)
"urls.type" string
"urls.status_code" integer
"urls.is_https" boolean
"urls.aa_average_time_spent_on_site" integer (seconds)
"urls.aa_bounce_rate" float (percentage)
"urls.aa_page_views" integer
"urls.aa_unique_visitors" integer
"urls.aa_revenue" float
"urls.ga_average_time" integer (seconds)
"urls.ga_bounce_rate" float (percentage)
"urls.ga_page_views" integer
"urls.ga_unique_page_views" integer
"urls.ga_page_value" float
"urls.ga_v4_active_users" integer
"urls.ga_v4_average_engagement_time" integer (seconds)
"urls.ga_v4_engagement_rate" float (percentage)
"urls.ga_v4_screen_page_views" integer
"urls.gsc_clicks" integer
"urls.gsc_impressions" integer
"urls.gsc_ctr" float (percentage)
"urls.gsc_position" float
"urls.gsc_date_range" array
"urls.gsc_date_range.since" date (YYYY-MM-DD)
"urls.gsc_date_range.until" date (YYYY-MM-DD)
"" number
"urls.relevance" float
"urls.is_disallowed_in_robots_txt" boolean
"urls.is_indexable" boolean
"urls.is_indexable_due_to_meta_robots" boolean
"urls.is_indexable_due_to_x_robots_tag" boolean
"urls.is_in_sitemap" boolean
"urls.time_document_download" number
"urls.custom_elements" array
"urls.custom_elements.custom_element_name" string/number/boolean/date (depending on configuration)
"urls.schema_org_number_of_types" integer
"urls.schema_org_types" array of strings
"urls.segments" array of strings (containing Segment IDs, see Retrieving a list of segments)
"urls.app_url" string (absolute URL)
"urls.open_issues" array
"" string (see List of issues)
"urls.lighthouse_performance" array
"urls.lighthouse_performance.value" integer
"urls.lighthouse_performance.range" string
"urls.lighthouse_cls" array
"urls.lighthouse_cls.value" float
"urls.lighthouse_cls.range" string
"urls.lighthouse_fcp" array
"urls.lighthouse_fcp.value" integer (miliseconds)
"urls.lighthouse_fcp.range" string
"urls.lighthouse_lcp" array
"urls.lighthouse_lcp.value" integer (miliseconds)
"urls.lighthouse_lcp.range" string
"urls.lighthouse_si" array
"urls.lighthouse_si.value" integer (miliseconds)
"urls.lighthouse_si.range" string
"urls.lighthouse_tbt" array
"urls.lighthouse_tbt.value" integer (miliseconds)
"urls.lighthouse_tbt.range" string
"urls.lighthouse_tti" array
"urls.lighthouse_tti.value" integer (miliseconds)
"urls.lighthouse_tti.range" string
"urls.is_linked" boolean
"urls.link_amp" string (absolute URL)
"urls.link_next" string (absolute URL)
"urls.link_prev" string (absolute URL)
"urls.mobile_variant" string (absolute URL)
"urls.canonical_type" string
"urls.redirect" string (absolute URL)
"urls.number_of_hreflangs" integer
"urls.number_of_incoming_internal_canonicals" integer
"urls.number_of_incoming_internal_links" integer
"urls.number_of_incoming_internal_redirects" integer
"urls.number_of_outgoing_internal_links" integer
"urls.number_of_outgoing_external_links" integer
"urls.title" string
"urls.meta_description" string
"urls.h1" string
"urls.open_graph_title" string
"urls.open_graph_description" string
"urls.open_graph_image" string (absolute URL)
"urls.open_graph_url" string (absolute URL)
"urls.open_graph_type" string
"urls.twitter_card" string
"urls.twitter_title" string
"urls.twitter_description" string
"urls.twitter_image" string (absolute URL)
"urls.twitter_site" string
"urls.tag_managers" string
"urls.analytics_services" string
"urls.visual_analytics_services" string

Retrieving data for a specific page within a website

Send the following request to get data for a specific page within a website in your account:

GET /v1/websites/<website_id>/pages?url=<url>

Response for a page

The response for an existing page (URL returns HTTP status 200) will look like this:

200 OK
	"url": "",
	"is_https": true,
	"ga_average_time": 10,
	"ga_bounce_rate": 5,
		"since": "2018-05-09",
		"until": "2018-08-07"
	"ga_page_value": 0,
	"ga_page_views": 1,
	"ga_unique_page_views": 2,
	"gsc_clicks": 0,
	"gsc_ctr": 0,
		"since": "2018-05-09",
		"until": "2018-08-07"
	"gsc_impressions": 4,
	"gsc_position": 5,
	"health": 935,
	"is_disallowed_in_robots_txt": false,
	"is_indexable": true,
	"is_indexable_due_to_meta_robots": "yes",
	"is_indexable_due_to_x_robots_tag": "yes",
	"is_in_sitemap": true,
	"relevance": 8.72,
	"status_code": 200,
	"time_document_download": 183,
	"type": "page",
	"content": [
			"type": "canonical",
			"content": null
			"type": "title",
			"content": "Blog"
			"type": "meta_description",
			"content": "some meta description"
			"type": "h1",
			"content": "Conductor Website Monitoring"
			"type": "h2",
			"content": "Pricing"
			"type": "meta_robots",
			"content": null
			"type": "open_graph_description",
			"content": null
			"type": "open_graph_image",
			"content": null
			"type": "open_graph_title",
			"content": null
			"type": "open_graph_type",
			"content": null
			"type": "open_graph_url",
			"content": null
			"type": "twitter_card",
			"content": null
			"type": "twitter_site",
			"content": null
			"type": "google_analytics",
			"content": "UA-XXXXXX-X"
	"custom_elements": {
		"author": "Josie Walters",
		"date_published": "12 August 2019"
	"schema_org": [],
	"segments":	[
	"app_url": "",
	"open_issues": [
			"name": "open_graph/missing"
			"name": "twitter_cards/missing"
			"name": "meta_information/meta_description_incorrect_length"
			"name": "meta_information/title_incorrect_length"

Response for a redirect

The response for a redirect (URL returns HTTP status 3xx) will look like this:

200 OK
	"url": "",
	"is_https": true,
	"gsc_clicks": 9,
	"gsc_ctr": 5,
		"since": "2018-05-09",
		"until": "2018-08-07"
	"gsc_impressions": 1,
	"gsc_position": 4,
	"is_disallowed_in_robots_txt": false,
	"is_indexable": false,
	"is_indexable_due_to_meta_robots": "not_applicable",
	"is_indexable_due_to_x_robots_tag": "not_applicable",
	"is_in_sitemap": true,
		"location": "",
		"url": "",
	"status_code": 302,
	"time_document_download": 149,
	"type": "redirect",
	"segments":	[
	"app_url": "",

Response for missing

The response for a missing page (URL returns HTTP status 4xx) will look like this:

200 OK
	"url": "",
	"is_https": true,
	"is_disallowed_in_robots_txt": false,
	"is_indexable": false,
	"is_indexable_due_to_meta_robots": "not_applicable",
	"is_indexable_due_to_x_robots_tag": "not_applicable",
	"is_in_sitemap": true,
	"status_code": 404,
	"time_document_download": 218,
	"type": "missing",
	"segments": [

Data types overview for this endpoint

Property Data Type
"url string (absolute URL)
"is_https" boolean
"ga_average_time" integer (seconds)
"ga_bounce_rate" float (percentage)
"ga_page_views" integer
"ga_unique_page_views" integer
"ga_page_value" float
"ga_date_range" array
"ga_date_range.since" date (YYYY-MM-DD)
"ga_date_range.until" date (YYYY-MM-DD)
"ga_v4_active_users" integer
"ga_v4_average_engagement_time" integer (seconds)
"ga_v4_engagement_rate" float (percentage)
"ga_v4_screen_page_views" integer
"ga_v4_date_range" array
"ga_v4_date_range.since" date (YYYY-MM-DD)
"ga_v4_date_range.until" date (YYYY-MM-DD)
"gsc_clicks" integer
"gsc_impressions" integer
"gsc_ctr" float (percentage)
"gsc_position" float
"gsc_date_range" array
"gsc_date_range.since" date (YYYY-MM-DD)
"gsc_date_range.until" date (YYYY-MM-DD)
"health" number
"relevance" float
"is_disallowed_in_robots_txt" boolean
"is_indexable" boolean
"is_indexable_due_to_meta_robots" boolean
"is_indexable_due_to_x_robots_tag" boolean
"is_in_sitemap" boolean
"status_code" integer
"time_document_download" number
"type" string
"content" array
"content.type" string
"content.content" string
"custom_elements" array
"custom_elements.custom_element_name" string/number/boolean/date (depending on configuration)
"schema_org" array (containing different Schema properties as defined by (opens in a new tab))
"segments" array of strings (containing Segment IDs, see Retrieving a list of segments)
"app_url" string (absolute URL)
"open_issues" array
"" string (see List of issues)
"lighthouse_performance" array
"lighthouse_performance.value" integer
"lighthouse_performance.range" string
"lighthouse_cls" array
"lighthouse_cls.value" float
"lighthouse_cls.range" string
"lighthouse_fcp" array
"lighthouse_fcp.value" integer (miliseconds)
"lighthouse_fcp.range" string
"lighthouse_lcp" array
"lighthouse_lcp.value" integer (miliseconds)
"lighthouse_lcp.range" string
"lighthouse_si" array
"lighthouse_si.value" integer (miliseconds)
"lighthouse_si.range" string
"lighthouse_tbt" array
"lighthouse_tbt.value" integer (miliseconds)
"lighthouse_tbt.range" string
"lighthouse_tti" array
"lighthouse_tti.value" integer (miliseconds)
"lighthouse_tti.range" string

Specific errors when requesting page data

404 Not found
	"error": "Requested URL was not found"

This response means that the URL passed in the request is not monitored by Conductor Website Monitoring.

404 Not found
	"error": "Requested URL cannot be provided via Reporting API"

This response means that data for the URL passed in the request is not available via the Reporting API.

Retrieving a list of alerts for a website

Send the following request to get a list of alerts for a specific website in your account:

GET /v1/websites/<website_id>/alerts

The response will look like this:

200 OK
		"id": "1",
		"app_url": "",
		"date_last_updated": "2018-05-10T12:59:21+02:00",
		"date_opened": "2018-05-10T12:59:21+02:00",
		"name": "robots_txt_changed",
		"scope": "platform",
		"type": "warning"
		"id": "2",
		"app_url": "",
		"date_last_updated": "2018-07-21T03:21:46+02:00",
		"date_opened": "2018-07-16T14:33:43+02:00",
		"name": "issue_opened.meta_information/title_missing",
		"scope": "pages",
		"type": "alert"

Data types overview for this endpoint

Property Data Type
"id" string
"app_url" string (absolute URL)
"date_last_updated" datetime (ISO 8601 format)
"date_opened" datetime (ISO 8601 format)
"name" string
"scope" string
"type" string

Retrieving list of pages for a website alert

Send the following request to get list of pages for a specific website alert:

GET /v1/websites/<website_id>/alerts/<alert_id>/pages?page=1&per_page=100


Query parameters per_page and page are used for iterating over large result sets.

  • per_page can be in range from 1 to 500
  • page can be 1 up to ceil(total / per_page). If page is higher than max value the urls field will be an empty array

Response for a page

Each API response contains 2 main keys:

  • total count of urls in result set for given query
  • urls paginated urls based on query parameters per_page and page
200 OK
	"total": 1,
	"urls": [
			"app_url": "",
			"relevance": 5.97,
			"segments":	[
			"url": ""

Data types overview for this endpoint

Property Data Type
"total" integer
"urls" array
"urls.app_url" string (absolute URL)
"urls.relevance" float
"segments" array of strings (containing Segment IDs, see Retrieving a list of segments)
"urls.url" string (absolute URL)

Retrieving a list of issues for a website

Send the following request to get a list of issues for a specific website in your account:

GET /v1/websites/<website_id>/issues

The response will look like this:

200 OK
		"name": "content_headings/h1_duplicate",
		"points_gained": 24,
		"points_to_gain": 0,
		"scope": "pages"
		"name": "xml_sitemap/missing",
		"points_gained": 10,
		"points_to_gain": 0,
		"scope": "platform"

Data types overview for this endpoint

Property Data Type
"name" string
"points_gained" integer
"points_to_gain" integer
"scope" string

Retrieving list of pages for a website issue

Send the following request to get list of pages for a specific website issue:

GET /v1/websites/<website_id>/issues/<issue>/pages?page=1&per_page=100


Query parameters per_page and page are used for iterating over large result sets.

  • per_page can be in range from 1 to 500
  • page can be 1 up to ceil(total / per_page). If page is higher than max value the urls field will be an empty array

Response for a page

Each API response contains 2 main keys:

  • total count of urls in result set for given query
  • urls paginated urls based on query parameters per_page and page
200 OK
	"total": 1,
	"urls": [
			"app_url": "",
			"relevance": 5.97,
			"segments": [
			"url": ""
Property Data Type
"total" integer
"urls" array
"urls.app_url" string (absolute URL)
"urls.relevance" float
"segments" array of strings (containing Segment IDs, see Retrieving a list of segments)
"urls.url" string (absolute URL)

List of issues

Issue Description
analytics/analytics_missing No analytics installed
analytics/visual_analytics_missing No visual analytics installed
Content Headings  
h1/duplicate H1 heading is not unique
h1/incorrect_length H1 heading has incorrect length
h1/missing H1 heading is missing
h1/too_many More than one H1 heading
Canonical Link  
canonical_link/incorrectly_canonicalized Canonical link to other page present on non-indexable page
canonical_link/missing Canonical link is missing
canonical_link/points_to_unindexable Canonical link is pointing to non-indexable page
canonical_link/too_many More than one canonical link
images/alt_attribute Images are missing alt-attribute
links/broken Page contains broken links
links/redirected Page contains links to redirects
links/to_canonicalized Page contains links to canonicalized URLs
Meta Information  
meta_description/duplicate Meta description is not unique
meta_description/incorrect_length Meta description has incorrect length
meta_description/missing Meta description is missing
meta_description/too_many There are multiple meta descriptions on the page
title/duplicate Page title is not unique
title/incorrect_length Page title has incorrect length
title/missing Title is missing
title/too_many There are multiple titles on pages
Open Graph  
open_graph/description_incorrect_length Open Graph description has incorrect length
open_graph/description_missing Open Graph description is missing
open_graph/image_missing Open Graph image is missing
open_graph/title_incorrect_length Open Graph title has incorrect length
open_graph/title_missing Open Graph title is missing
open_graph/url_missing Open Graph URL is missing
Twitter Cards  
twitter_cards/description_incorrect_length Twitter Cards description has incorrect length
twitter_cards/description_missing Twitter Cards description is missing
twitter_cards/image_missing Twitter Cards image is missing
twitter_cards/site_missing Twitter Cards site property is missing
twitter_cards/title_incorrect_length Twitter Cards title has incorrect length
twitter_cards/title_missing Twitter Cards title is missing
twitter_cards/type_invalid Twitter Cards type value is not valid
twitter_cards/type_missing Twitter Cards type is not present
XML Sitemap  
xml_sitemap/incorrectly_missing Page is not included in XML sitemap
xml_sitemap/incorrectly_present Pages incorrectly present in XML sitemap  
schema_org/errors implementation has an invalid structure
schema_org/invalid_json Schema element with invalid JSON-LD object present
hreflang/conflicting_targets Hreflang attribute value is pointed to multiple targets
hreflang/invalid_target Invalid hreflang target present
hreflang/invalid_value Invalid hreflang attribute value present
hreflang/missing_self_reference Self-referencing hreflang not present
hreflang/missing_specific_audience Hreflang implementation does not contain any hreflang attribute specifying a language and/or region
hreflang/missing_x_default Hreflang attribute with x-default value is missing
Robot directives  
robot_directives/conflicting Valid robot directives give conflicting directives to search engines
robot_directives/invalid Valid robot directives give conflicting directives to search engines
robot_directives/unsupported Valid but unsupported robot directives to a search engine present
Conductor Website Monitoring Lighthouse Web Vitals  
lighthouse/performance Performance score is too low
lighthouse/fcp First Contentful Paint takes too long
lighthouse/lcp Largest Contentful Paint takes too long
lighthouse/tti Time To Interactive takes too long
lighthouse/si Speed Index is too high
lighthouse/tbt Total Blocking Time is too long
lighthouse/cls Cumulative Layout Shift is too large

Common API errors

Authorization missing

401 Unauthorized
	"code": "auth_missing_token",
	"message": "Authentication token must be passed in Authorization HTTP header.",
	"errors": []

This response means that the request was received, but that it's lacking an authorization token and can therefore not be processed. Make sure to correctly set the Authorization header.

Authorization failed

401 Unauthorized
	"code": "auth_failed",
	"message": "Authentication token is expired or invalid.",
	"errors": []

If you get this response it means that the request could not be processed because the supplied API token is invalid or expired.

Reporting API Terms of Use not accepted

403 Forbidden
	"code": "terms_of_use_not_accepted",
	"message": "Reporting API Terms of Use have not been accepted yet. Please accept Terms of Use in Account Settings.",
	"errors": []

If you get this response it means that you have not accepted Reporting API Terms of Use yet. You need to accept them in Account Settings before you start using Reporting API.

Website not found

404 Not found
	"error": "Requested website ID was not found"

In case you get this response the website ID you specified can't be found in your account.

Authorization malformed

422 Unprocessable Entity
	"code": "auth_malformed",
	"message": "Authorization HTTP header must conform to format described in docs.",
	"errors": []

This response means that the request was received, but that the authorization wasn't formatted correctly. Make sure to correctly set the Authorization header.

Rate limits

Rate limits define the maximum number of requests which can be made in a given time range.

Conductor Website Monitoring’s Reporting API has the following rate limits:

  • 6 requests/second/requester IP address
  • When the limit is hit the API returns a 429 status code for 1 minute

The Reporting API uses rate limits to ensure API request traffic can be handled efficiently.

Need help?

If you have any questions that are not covered by our documentation, don’t hesitate to contact us!