Analytics tracking detection

As part of our auditing suite Conductor Website Monitoring checks pages for the presence of Analytics tracking across your pages.

Pages are audited for the following Analytics issues:

  • Analytics is present
  • Visual analytics is present


Conductor Website Monitoring checks for the presence of Analytics tracking when monitoring a website. If it doesn't detect analytics tracking on a certain page, it will display the issue: "Analytics is missing".

Conductor Website Monitoring detects the analytics tracking on websites in two different ways depending on whether the JavaScript Rendering feature is enabled or not.

Analytics tracking detection when JavaScript rendering is disabled

Conductor Website Monitoring checks for the presence of Analytics and Visual Analytics tracking in the HTML source of the page and in loaded Tag Manager only.

Analytics tracking detection when JavaScript rendering is enabled

When JavaScript Rendering is enabled, Conductor Website Monitoring detects analytics tracking based on network requests that the page makes to the analytics services, regardless whether the analytics tracking is present on the page itself.

Supported Analytics software

Conductor Website Monitoring detects the following Analytics software:

  • Google Analytics
  • Adobe Analytics

Visual Analytics

Conductor Website Monitoring also checks for the presence of Visual Analytics tracking when monitoring a website. If it doesn't detect visual analytics tracking for a certain page, it will display the issue: "Visual analytics is missing".

Supported Visual Analytics software

Conductor Website Monitoring detects the following Visual Analytics software:

  • HotJar
  • Microsoft Clarity
  • Mouseflow
  • CrazyEgg
  • Clicky
  • Clicktale
  • Smartlook
  • Inspectlet

When analytics services are not detected

It might happen that you've implemented one of the supported analytics software solutions, but Conductor Website Monitoring still does not detect them across your pages.

There are a couple of reasons that could cause this:

  • Analytics tracking is only present in the rendered DOM, but you are monitoring the website with JavaScript rendering disabled. In that case to resolve this you can enable JavaScript rendering (opens in a new tab)

  • Cookie consent needs to be passed for the analytics tracking to load. Learn more how you can resolve this in our dedicated article on Cookies here (opens in a new tab).

Need help?

If you have any questions that are not covered by our documentation or your analytics tracking is not being detected by Conductor Website Monitoring, don’t hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to help!