How Inspire uses Conductor Website Monitoring to monitor millions of pages of user-generated content

Inspire is a social network for health that connects patients and caregivers.

Achievements with Conductor Website Monitoring:

Always up-to-date overview of content
Crawl and indexing problems quickly identified
No longer dependent on engineering resources

Inspire, headquarted in Arlington, VA, is a social network for health that connects patients and caregivers. With 1.5 million members it's by far the largest health network globally, and their team of 100+ people ensures the platform is a safe place for everyone.

The challenge

Like any social network, Inspire's content is primarily created by the network's members. With 1.5 million members sharing their health issues and experiences it's clear that the amount of content is enormous and highly dynamic in nature.

Keeping track of a dynamic website at that scale is extremely challenging and Gary Yau Chan, Head of Member Growth at Inspire, went looking for a solution to stay on top of his evergrowing website.

The solution

Gary found the perfect solution in Conductor Website Monitoring's real-time SEO platform. The 24/7 monitoring engine with content change tracking ensures that the Inspire team is always up-to-date with their highly dynamic website.

Conductor Website Monitoring's monitoring combined with the extensive auditing suite allows Gary and his team to dig into any website issue without taking precious time from their engineering team.

The results

Having the entire website indexed in Conductor Website Monitoring allows Inspire to have a full understanding of their content library. What's more: the content library is always up to date with the website, ensuring that they're never looking at stale data.

Using Conductor Website Monitoring the team quickly identified numerous crawl and indexing problems and duplicate content issues. On top of that Conductor Website Monitoring boosted the team's productivity and removed the dependency on engineering:

Conductor Website Monitoring increased our productivity by 10% and removed the need to ask engineering for their time.

For the first time ever Gary and his team are able to do full-scale website audits without looking at outdated information, and all of that without taking time from engineering!

Having trouble keeping track of a highly dynamic website?

Get on Conductor Website Monitoring's real-time SEO platform. Start your free trial now!