Feature Announcements

Structure your website with Segments

  • July 20, 2017
  • Veronika Martosova

With its powerful features, ContentKing makes it easy to work on all kinds of websites. Whether big or small, though, these websites all have one thing in common: not all pages are created equal. Depending on your content strategy, different pages deserve different amounts of attention. Grouping and isolating those pages can save you a lot of time and energy in SEO maintenance. Beyond the obvious "indexable" vs. "non-indexable" classifications, your pages also differ based on language, URL structure and many other factors.

That's why we've introduced an entirely new way to deal with all the nuances in your pages: Segments! Segments allow you to create logical groupings of your pages based on your needs, which you can then use to make your reporting more effective and to even customize the auditing suite.

Segments are simple to set up and even simpler to work with. Let's take a look!

Creating a segment

ContentKing comes with two default segments: indexable pages and non-indexable pages, but you're fully in control to create your own custom segments.

Creating a segment is easy and you do it using a core Conductor Website Monitoring feature you're already familiar with: the Pages filter. Here's how:

  1. Go to the Pages screen and filter based on one or more criteria.
  2. A Create segment button will appear. Click on it.
  3. Now give it a suitable name, choose a colour, and save it.

That's all! Not only will all pages matching those filter conditions now be part of your newly created segment, but any new pages matching these conditions will automatically be added to it as well.

You just set it up once and let it start working for you!

Creating a segment

Pro-tip: Running a large website that needs more advanced groupings? No problem. You can even build segments using segments you've already created. This is useful, for example, if you first map your product pages separately and then combine them with the Indexable segment.

Working with segments

We've seen that setting up segments is a breeze. But the real power shows when you start working with them. Let's take a look at four common use-cases:

Tagteaming with the Pages screen

After setting up a segment, quickly drill down to pages in any specific segment you're interested in. You can even combine segments and run advanced filter operations, such as:

  • pages that are both in segments A and B
  • pages in segments A or B
  • pages in segment A or B, but not in C
Working with segments

Keep an eye on tracked changes

While we're still on the Pages screen, Segments put the same power at your fingertips when looking at tracked changes. Curious about added, removed, or changed pages in specific sections of your website? Simply filter for the segments you're interested in and you'll have the information you need in no-time!

The Issues screen

As every segment has a different meaning to your business, it makes sense to prioritize fixing issues in some segments over others. This has never been easier, now that you can filter by segment in the Issues screen, taking you right to the problems that need your attention in the segments you care about most.

Segments in Issues screen

Ignoring issues on specific segments

While on the topic of issues: up until now you could ignore issues on either individual pages or the entire website at once. But with the introduction of Segments, you now have even more control over ContentKing's auditing suite. Don't care about certain issues in specific sections of your website? Just set the app to ignore that segment and get back to focusing on the issues that do matter!

By default ContentKing ignores issues that don't impact your SEO performance on non-indexable pages.

Ignoring issues on specific segments

Editing segments

So far we've looked at creating segments and working with them. There's one more thing we should talk about: editing existing segments.

Editing segments is just as simple as creating a new one:

  1. On the Pages screen click on Edit Segments.
  2. Select the segment you want to edit.
  3. Make any change you need to: name, filter conditions, or colour.
  4. Save your changes.

Yup. Simple!

Editing segments

Share your feedback

This feature is special in that it supercharges all the other Conductor Website Monitoring features. We're very proud of this addition to our app and as always we're looking forward to your feedback. Do you see ways for us to make Segments even better? We'd love to hear about them!

Veronika Martosova

Veronika is ContentKing's Product Manager. She loves talking to our customers to understand their needs and then work with the development team to come up with the right solutions to them. She enjoys working on the intersection of design, development, marketing and business.