Feature Announcements

Change Tracking for SEO

  • June 7, 2017
  • Veronika Martosova

Today we make history, literally! ContentKing is ushering on-page SEO into a whole new era with the introduction of change tracking.

A time machine for your SEO efforts

For the first time ever you can track content changes across all your websites in one convenient place. Curious which pages were added, removed, or redirected? Voila! Want to know which pages had their content changes? Right there, front and center!

SEO Content Change Tracking with ContentKing

Why this is so important

Websites change, constantly. And most of the time those changes happen without your knowledge. Whether it's the client, your manager, an external copywriter or a developer. Content changes come with the territory and knowing about them early is paramount to your SEO success.

Let's consider your homepage. Sure, if it stops working entirely you're going to know right away. But how long would it take you to notice if the page title changed? And what about the meta description, H1 heading, or canonical URL? And that's just the homepage — what about all the pages on the rest of the website?

That's why we built this powerful feature: to give you all the answers you need with just a few clicks. So don't miss out and start working with this incredible feature today!

Veronika Martosova

Veronika is ContentKing's Product Manager. She loves talking to our customers to understand their needs and then work with the development team to come up with the right solutions to them. She enjoys working on the intersection of design, development, marketing and business.